Amanida Ingredients

Baby onions in pesto marinade
Sun dried tomatoes




Wheat semolina: 250 grs.
Baby onion in pesto marinade AMANIDA: 75 grs.
Sun-dried tomatoe AMANIDA: 30 grs.
Sun-dried Tomato Oil.
Broth: 250 ml.


1. Chop the onion and tomato and mix with the semolina; spread on a large tray.
2. Boil the broth and pour over the Couscous; let it absorb the liquid and reserve cold
3. Make a lactonesa with the sun-dried tomato oil and laminate the radish into thin slices.
4. Serve

This dish is a variant of the Couscous with innovative Mediterranean touches that give the baby onion in Pesto marinade and the sun-dried Tomato.